Friday, May 10, 2013

New Orleans Narratives

prepared by Jude Morrissey

New Orleans Narratives

Everyone knows New Orleans is a fascinating city - including authors! New Orleans serves as the setting for several novels in every genre available. Now that finals are over and you have a break from classes, why not pick up a New Orleans Narrative and relax with a good book? Here are a few from our collection to get you started:

The Neon Rain by James L. Burke
Babylon Rolling by Amanda Boyden
The Witching Hour by Anne Rice
The Client by John Grisham
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
Twelve Bar Blues by Patrick Neate
Finishing Skills by Sarah K. Inman
N: A Romantic Mystery by Louis Edwards
Voodoo Dreams by Jewell Parker Rhodes

Come take a look at our New Orleans Narratives hall display at the City Park campus to learn more about each of the books, and stop by the library to pick up one of them or any of the other great novels we have available!

Of course, these are only a few of the novels we have that take place in New Orleans. You can check the catalog for many, many more. Enjoy your break - we'll see you soon!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Toil of May

prepared by Jude Morrissey

Photos of Glass Case Display
The Glass Case Display features Steinbeck

For our monthly display, we are featuring "The Toil of May." Labor in the U.S. used to be highly deregulated and workers had few, if any, rights. The climb up to eight hour work days, labor unions, workers' rights advocacy, safety regulation of workplaces, and government aid for the unemployed has been a long and complicated one. This month, we have two displays to explore times when labor demonstrations and discussions regarding working hours and conditions were particularly controversial.

The glass case display at the City Park campus highlights the work of John Steinbeck, particularly the 1940 Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Grapes of Wrath - a work that has often been challenged or banned across the country. Set during the Great Depression, it traces the Joad family, tenant farmers who are forced to abandon their home in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl and set out for California, hoping to find a new life. The story discusses the poverty and prejudice many workers fleeing the great drought encountered as they moved west.

The hall display takes a look at the Haymarket Riot of 1886, when a peaceful labor demonstration in Chicago, supporting eight hour working days, erupted in violence. Some were killed, and many were wounded. Eight anarchists were found guilty of the bombing, although there remains a great deal of controversy over whether or not they were actually involved. In our display, you can see arguments on both sides of the issue, courtesy of Opposing Viewpoints.

Photos of Hall Display
The Hall Display features the Haymarket Riot

Come take a look at our displays! You can also learn more by checking out our research guide, "The Toil of May."

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Social Media Netiquette

prepared by Jude Morrissey

DCC Social Media networks: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube
DCC Libraries are active on several social media networks!

Social media serves a wonderful purpose - providing virtual social interaction for people all across the world. With social media, you can keep in touch with friends and family, connect with others who share your interests and hobbies, and network with colleagues in your career field.  It is important to keep in mind, however, that interaction through social media is not private - the social media "area" is very much a public place, just like grocery stores, libraries, schools, or workplaces. You might be sitting at home in your pajamas, but you've entered an online room full of people. And just like other public places, there are rules that help us get along with each other.

Rules of Social Media Netiquette
Some generally applicable social media netiquette rules.

  1. Comments follow you. Remember, anything you post online is pretty much there forever! Even if you erase it, chances are good that someone, somewhere has a copy of it. And what you post can and does affect your life - employers, for instance, will often check out what prospective or current employees have posted on Facebook, Twitter, etc., and make hiring - and firing - decisions based on what they find.
  2. Pay attention to the purpose. Many people will have separate business and personal social media accounts. If so, you want to be sure you don't mix them up! Don't post personal information or statements on your business account. It is important that people know when you do or don't speak for your employer officially.
  3. Beware overshare - TMI (Too Much Information). There are some things that are best kept to yourself. Few people care about what you eat for every meal, and fewer want to know what happened when you went to the bathroom! If you have a medical question, talk to a doctor - don't broadcast symptoms over Twitter. Remember, social media is a public place - if you wouldn't announce it over the intercom at the public library, don't post it online.
  4. Beware overshare - Deluge. You also don't want to post every thought you have! If you're posting every five minutes, you're probably posting too much. Think about what you really want to say, and don't just post everything that comes to mind. 
  5. Not everything is personal. Don't assume someone is talking about you when they post something negative. Don't feel that someone's political or social stance is an attack on your morals or beliefs, either. Just because others may disagree with you doesn't mean they think you are a bad person. Don't take it personally.
  6. Ignoring is better than engaging. Even when someone calls you out specifically, or when others state that holding certain (political, social, religious, etc.) beliefs means you're a bad person, it's still not a good idea to respond to them. It doesn't really accomplish anything. It's like having a fight in a grocery store parking lot - ugly and pointless. While civil conversations can and do happen in a peaceful and productive manner, there are also "flame wars" that end up solving nothing and causing hurt feelings, bitterness, and broken relationships. It's better to just walk away.
  7. Watch your tone. You don't want to write anything rude, offensive, or hateful - even by accident. Remember that sarcasm doesn't always come across in written communication. Also keep in mind that too many abbreviations, misspelled words, grammar errors, or emoticons make you look very young or very silly - or both. Don't type in all capital letters - unless you really are "yelling" about something! Always be honest and respectful.
  8.  No call-outs. Gossip isn't good. Don't write hateful or inappropriate messages to or about others. Even if you don't mention them by name, it's rude and nonproductive. If you have a problem with someone else, the best rule is still to talk to them privately - either face-to-face or by email or private messaging.  
  9. Think before tagging. Before you put a friend or family member's name on any picture or post, make sure it's not something they'd rather not have broadcast in public. Ask permission, if possible, before posting pictures with names attached, especially of children. 
  10. Golden Rule still applies. "Do unto others as you would have them do to you..." If you want others to respect your privacy, to be careful about what they say or post about you, then you need to show them the same kind of respect! 
  11. Don't demand reciprocation. The Pope, for instance, can't be everyone's friend! You can find and friend or follow lots of people you are interested in - but don't expect that they'll friend or follow you back. Even close friends or family members may not - it might be that they only use an account for business, and would rather stay in touch with you through more traditional means (by phone or mail, for example). 
  12. Protect your privacy. Privacy is important. Protecting your privacy doesn't mean you have anything to hide - it just means you don't want your personal information available for everyone to see. If you use a public computer, such as the library computers, make sure you log off before you leave. Don't share your log in information with anyone, and don't make other contact information (phone number, mailing address, etc.) visible to the public. Be careful what you "like" - it might be posted where everyone can see it. 
Social media networks are great tools for joining in on a world-wide conversation! But, like all public spaces, we need to "play nice."

Remember, too, that Delgado Libraries are active on several social media networks, including Facebook and Twitter. Friend or follow us today! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Extended Hours for Finals

prepared by Jude Morrissey

Student studying
Ana does some studying

Are you ready for finals? Do you have all your end-of-semester papers and projects done? If not, the library is ready to help!

We offer several services for students wrapping up the semester. You can use the computers, find a quiet study space, get research assistance from the reference librarians, or use one of the study rooms for a group finals study session.

We're also extending the hours our libraries are open, so that you can have a little extra time to make use of our resources to prepare for finals and finish up projects! The change in schedule will be: 

City Park:  
  • Tuesday, May 7 – Thursday, May 9, 2013, 8:00am – 9:00pm
  • Friday, May 10, 2013, 8:00am – 4:30pm
  • Monday, May 13 – Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 8:00am – 9:00pm
West Bank:  
  • Tuesday, May 7 – Thursday, May 9, 2013, 8:00am – 9:00pm
  • Friday, May 10, 2013, 8:00am – 4:30pm
  • Monday, May 13 – Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 8:00am – 9:00pm
  • Tuesday, May 7 – Thursday, May 9, 2013, 8:00am – 8:00pm
  • Monday, May 13 – Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 8:00am – 8:00pm  
  • Tuesday, May 7 – Thursday, May 9, 2013, 8:00am – 9:00pm 
  • Monday, May 13 – Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 8:00am – 9:00pm  

We'll see you in the library - and good luck with finals! 

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